The Word 97 how to documents are examples of some of the most common Word questions answered by Microsoft Technical Support; these examples demonstrate how to accomplish a variety of tasks using Word 97 features. The articles were produced by Microsoft...

Microsoft Data Analyzer, the newest member of the Office XP family, is a powerful business intelligence tool. This tutorial introduces the concepts behind Data Analyzer version 3.5 and teaches you how to become a proficient user. This version is the first...

EclipseHelp is the fast way to create help files for Windows 95, all in one compact, efficient piece of software. You dont need Microsoft Word; all you need is Microsoft Help Workshop, which is included on most Microsoft Visual Studio CDs, and available...

Students MCQ Manager is one of the best way to prepare yourself for multiple choice question exams is practice MCQs tests. Students MCQ Manager is the best software tool for writing, collecting and practicing MCQs. Students MCQ Manager is a window based...

This course is an ideal way for students who are new to software development to get an understanding of what programming is. This is part one of a five part series available from our site. Many students who have completed this course have gone on to have...


Bacula 5.2.10

Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds in technical terms, Bacula is a network based backup program....