. All-in-One Wapform Object-oriented fields, properties, methods, and events, plus the expression and the Internet.Web design style will automatically adjust the size and position of the component. Custom Menu Permissions You can develop your own menu and...

Affinic Debugger GUI is designed as a graphical user interface for various debuggers. The current release is specifically targeted on GDB, the GNU debugger. With the graphical windows, ADG can unleash the full powerful GDB by viewing multiple types of...

Graphical tools for developing unit tests for SQL Server database applications. The NDbUnit library is used to recover database tables to a saved state to allow the testing of scripts that modify the data, including stored procedures, functions, triggers...


NMath 6.0

NMath contains vector, matrix, and complex number classes, integration, ODE solver, peak finding, sparse matrix, linear programming, least squares, polynomials, minimization, factorizations (LU, Bunch-Kaufman, and Cholesky), orthogonal decompositions (QR...

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NMath Stats contains a data table class with functions for computing descriptive statistics, such as mean, variance, standard deviation, percentile, median, quartiles, geometric mean, harmonic mean, RMS, kurtosis, skewness, and many more; PDF, CDF,...

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Kwatee Agile Deployment

Kwatee Agile Deployment 2.3.1 updated

Kwatee Agile Deployment fully automates deployments of text and/or binary files from a reference software repository to any number of target servers in your datacenter or in the cloud. Differential updates, that is, the deployment of only files that are...

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