Java SE (Standard Edition) SDK (Software Development Kit) is a freely distributed, yet closed-source computer technology that has been designed from the ground up to provide a modern and featureful development environment for developers who want to...

H2 Database Engine

H2 Database Engine 1.4.182 Beta

H2 Database Engine is an open source, multiplatform and free graphical software implemented in Java and designed to provide users with a very fast JDBC API that features a browser-based console and leaves a very small footprint (around 1 MB).The...

GNU Cobol

GNU Cobol 2.0 r411

GNU Cobol (formerly OpenCOBOL) is an open source, totally free and multiplatform command-line software implemented in C as a COBOL compiler for many POSIX operating systems.The application provides users with a full implementation of the COBOL 2002 and...


FLTK 1.3.3

FLTK is an open source, totally free and cross-platform collection of libraries and utilities implemented in C++ and designed from the offset to be used for designing and building GUI (Graphical User Interface) front-ends for a wide variety of software...


libusb 1.0.19

libusb is an open source, cross-platform and totally free library software implemented in C and designed from the offset to provide generic access to USB (Universal Serial Bus) devices under Linux, Android, BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD), Microsoft...


Valgrind 3.10.1

Valgrind is an open source application that provides software developers with one of the best and most used tools for automatic discovery of memory threading and management bugs on their projects.In other words, it can be used to greatly speed up your...


Diffuse 0.4.8

Diffuse is a simple, neat, free and cross-platform graphical desktop utility that can be used for comparing and merging text files. The application also integrates a diff viewer that is compatible with several popular revision control systems.Features at...


Frosted 1.4.1

Frosted is an open source command-line software implemented in the Python programming language and designed to act as a passive source code syntax checker for Python. It’s forked from the Pyflakes program.The software’s main goal is to be a...

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 14.0.2 Build 139.659

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is an open source Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment) software written in the Java programming language and intensely focused on developer productivity. It provides Java developers with a robust combination of...