This widget displays the actual Internet Time in swatch .beats on its front. On its backside, any given time can be converted to swatch .beats and vice versa. The widget includes the following languages: German, English, French, Spanish and...

Club RSX

Club RSX 1.0

Browse the Club RSX Message Board without even launching a Web browser. Users can choose up to five forums to track with quick access, and instantly check for new posts, private messages or replies to subscribed threads. If you re using Safari, click the...

Gives you several different RSS feeds from the community Web site. You can define if you want to see the blog feed, the forum, the critique or the weblink feeds just by flipping the widget and selecting your preference.Requirements:Mac OS...


DashBlog 0.12b

A widget designed for simplicity and elegance. Why wait for some overcomplicated blog posting software like W.Bloggar or MacJournal to load, when you can simply go into your dashboard and quickly post an update? DashBlog was specifically designed to get...

An online community dedicated to uniting Mac mini users and enthusiasts. This simple widget allows you to receive the latest Mac mini news headlines and reviews from our RSS feeds. Clicking on any of the headlines will bring up the full story in a browser...