
django-mssql 1.7 updated

Django is a high-level Python web framework for rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.This module simply allows Django-based apps to store their content and itneract with MS SQL databases.Thanks to the detailed documentation, django-mssql is very...


PyRedisAdmin 1.0.1

Redis is a persistent key-value store database written in ANSI-C.PyRedisAdmin is written in Python and allows database administrators to manage local or remote Redis databases via a simple to use visual interface.Providing just a simple graphic interface,...


Sensei 1.6.0

Sensei was developed at LinkedIn and is written with a cocktail of Java, JavaScript, and Python.It is completely different compared to traditional RDBMS systems, being written for environments where data changes at rapid times, on multiple machines at...


mongobird 2.5.0

mongobird can be installed on any OS platform and enable database administrators a simple and efficient system for following and managing a MongoDB database.The database monitoring process works in real-time, providing crucial details about a MongoDB...


mongoowl 2.0.0

mongostat is a MongoDB console command that reports on the status of a currently running mongod and/or mongos processes.While very useful, like most CLI tools, its output is extremely difficult to read, especially for database administrators not familiar...


redisca 1.3

redisca allows easier access to Redis operations, transactions and data from within Python-powered websites and apps.It aims at reducing the needed workflow when accessing a Redis database from Python.Features:Connect to Redis databases Fetch data Data...