CRM-Express Standard

CRM-Express Standard 2015.7.1 updated

CRM-Express Standard Edition is a low-cost high quality CRM program. CRM-Express can manage your marketing, customers. Features include SMS abilities, Email Client, Calendar, Address Book, My work day, News Feeds, Meeting Planner, Company Library,...

CRM-Express eSales

CRM-Express eSales 2015.7.1 updated

CRM-Express e-Sales is the latest in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. CRM-Express can manage your marketing, customers, sales and orders. Features include orders import from email. CRM-Express is now fully re-entrant, multi-user and...

EQMS Lite (Free Edition)

EQMS Lite (Free Edition) 2016.1 updated

EQMS Lite 2016 is absolutely free for life. No limits. No registration EQMS Lite is a free single user sales CRM software to automate and simplify your sales process. Generally businesses starts off with managing leads/inquiries in Excel. Managing leads...