
SimpleOCR 3.1

SimpleOCR is a free OCR application and royalty-free API for converting scanned images to editable formats like MS Word. Version 3.0 makes great improvements to version 2.5, and adds a tutorial, validation stage and CharacTell's unique handprint...

From the developer: "Alfa File Monitor is a real-time file monitoring component and library (for Delphi, VC++, BCB and VB). It monitors file and directory creates, deletes, renames, reads, writes, flushes, closes, attribute queries and changes etc. It...


SendHTTP 1.0

SendHTTP is a short simple command line utility that lets you grab a single page from a HTTP connection. It will capture the HTML, image, or whatever content is at the URL to a file or the console. This makes it great for short batch files and other such...

From the developer: ""CZ-Pdf2Txt COM is a COM component/object designed to assist you, the developer, to quickly add a pdf to text conversion utility to your application and your ASP. It can be called from ASP, VB, VC, DELPHI. You can use it to convert...

From the developer: "Normally, Visual Basic requires one to declare external DLL functions before compile-time. This limitation means that it is difficult, if not impossible to call user-defined DLL functions at run-time. CallDllFunc is a dynamic linking...

Etv Pages

Etv Pages 3.51

TEtvPageControl+TEtvTabSheet. Turn off the data on inactive pages to increase speed. It can turn off dbaware control from datasource and detail dataset from master. Choice of active TabSheet is added to Popup menu of TEtvPageControl, as it is complicated...