Apache OpenMeetings

Apache OpenMeetings 3.0.6 updated

Apache OpenMeetings is a toolkit designed for businesses at first, ideal for holding video conferences, meetings, or brainstorming sessions via your browsers from different locations around the Globe. Open Meetings does not only work like a basic chat...

Apache Commons Email

Apache Commons Email 1.4 updated

Apache Commons Email was built on the standard, built-in Java Mail API.The Commons Email library works similarly to the original tool, only with a far better organized codebase, and using a much more simplified interface.The library can be used for a wide...

MIME (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an extension of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) that allows users to send files along with their emails.Apache JAMES Mime4j can be used for building tools that manipulate MIME data and programmatic...

Apache JAMES jSPF is an open source, simple, and lightweight solution for detecting email spoofing, the act of forging the sender's email address (identity).This library was designed after the official SPF specification and is a must-have tool for any...

Sieve is a programming language created specifically for usage in email servers, allowing server administrators to create various filters for incoming mail.Apache JAMES jSieve is a Java version of this language, closely implementing its basic principles...

Apache Abdera was initially developed by IBM and is a simple library for generating Atom feeds for various purposes.The library has a modular architecture which helps it divide functionality amongst its components, and keep the code size down based on...

Apache Rave implements a platform for creating social aggregation systems for serving OpenSocial gadgets and W3C widgets.Developers can use Rave to build various community-based services, aggregating information sources into channels and broadcasting them...

Activity Streams is a Web specification for protocols used to syndicate user activities.Usually, Activity Streams are used in social-based websites and applications for sharing a member's activity.Apache Streams is a small Java-based server app for...

Apache Roller is the Java community's response to the influx of PHP-based blogging tools that started with WordPress.Roller can run on Java EE servers like Tomcat, GlassFish, and JBoss, and works with relational databases like PostgreSQL, Derby, and...