
Curious 1.3

Curious is a free and dark theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, inspired by Android 4.1 and an old GTK 2 style.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

ChocoLatte is not just a Cinnamon theme, it is actually a complete suite for GNOME 3 based desktop environments, including:- GNOME-Shell theme- GTK theme- Metacity theme- Cinnamon theme- Extension themes- Bottom panel- Panel docklet- Window buttons-...


Reality 1.4

Reality is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, featuring the a color scheme that reassembles the look of real cinnamon.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Windows 7 Basic light is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, emulating the style of the Windows 7 operating system. It is based on the Zukitwo theme.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...


Zola 0.5

Zola is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, featuring a slightly bevelled, slightly darkish, and well gradiented design.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...