
loremipsum 1.0.4

Can be used to generate a predefined number of Lorem Ipsum dummy text sentences or paragraphs.Lorem Ipsum text is generally used by graphic or web developers to fill containers with dummy/sample text, just to illustrate/prove a point/functionality.What is...


fluidtext 1.0

fluidtext is for developers working on apps and websites that need to render the same on mobile and desktop environments from the same codebase.It takes an initial text and parent container size and starts adjusting its size from that, based on increases...


markdown2 2.3.0

Markdown is a text-to-HTML interpreter.This module basically allows Python apps to parse Markdown code and display it as it was intended, with proper text formatting.This module's main focus is speed.What is new in this release:New "tables"...


mor.js 1.1.0

mor.js can be used to convert simple text to Morse code and vice versa.The library comes hard-coded with a simple Unicode characters map, along with their corresponding dot-line patterns. This map is used for every conversion between raw text and Morse...


Hashkit 0.2.1

Hashkit works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js) environments, and can be used to encode a sequence of numbers into a random collection of text characters.This means 1 will be converted to a randomized jumble of text, but according to a...


dropcap.js 1.0.0

dropcap.js is developed by Adobe's Web Platform team, and was built to help implement cross-browser, CSS-based drop capitals for your text.While this can easily be achieved via CSS alone without the help of JavaScript, the alignment of the main capital...


TuringType 0.0.1

TuringType relies on a Turing algorithm to animate characters one by one inside a block of text.Letters are added one at a time to simulate a text typing effect, giving the impression the text is entered right now as we watch it.TuringType can be used in...