
radiotic 0.4.1

Radiotic is a Firefox add-on that allows you to browse a selection of online radio stations and listen to them from right inside your browser. The radiotic interface is clean and clear. Largely controlled by right-clicking on the icon in the bottom...


recipefox 0.35

If you love cooking, you probably enjoy browsing the net for new recipes. If you do, then Recipefox is the app for you! Recipefox is a Firefox add-on that allows you to 'grab' recipes from various sources around the internet and export them, either to a...

Check how your website looks in different Internet Explorer versions. Easy, straightforward installation, Handy for developers and webmasters, Install several versions of Internet Explorer in just one click. Older versions display way too many error...

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Check how your website looks in different Firefox versions. Install several versions of Firefox in just one click, Includes special add-ons for webmasters and developers, Easy, straightforward installation. It doesn't include versions before...

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Social Fixer for Facebook

Social Fixer for Facebook (Firefox) 12.0

Social Fixer (previously Better Facebook) is a Firefox plugin that lets you customize Facebook to the smallest detail, adapting it to your needs and likes. After a quick installation - just like any other Firefox extension - Social Fixer displays a quick...