
WebCopier 6.1 updated

Have you ever wanted to have a copy of your favorite websites or browse sites even when your computer isn't connected to the Internet? If the answer is Yes, then try WebCopier - the program that downloads websites to your computer, and allows you to view...

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MM3-ProxySwitch 2016 updated

In the Firefox Browser (and other Mozilla programs) you can per default configure only the setting for one internet connection. With this Proxy Switch you can manage different configurations and simply switch over between these. To switch between a direct...

English SearchToday shell what makes search non-greedy and lucky, saves your time on viewing ads and gives you a lot of search shortcuts for different search engines, torrents, shops, maps, travel, booking and many other useful services. It also allow...

Convert web page to PDF and E-Book (epub, Kindle). Print a multi-column, newspaper-style document or download/e-mail an e-book or PDF file to their computer or eReader. No ads or any other extraneous elements. Just text. TextFilter also provides a...

The Classic Browser is a freeware Internet browser that uses the Chromium engine strictly as a renderer-only while the interface and logic are custom written/designed. The browser has a unique tabbed interface bearing little resemblance to any of the...

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Avant Browser

Avant Browser 2017 build 5 updated

Avant Browser's user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. Multi-Processing: Multi-Processing design offers you a crash-free,...

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Avant Browser Ultimate

Avant Browser Ultimate 2017 build 5 updated

Tri-core Avant Browser(Chrome,Firefox,IE),it's user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. Multi-Processing: Multi-Processing design offers...

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Avant Browser Portable

Avant Browser Portable 2017 build 5 updated

Avant Browser Portable interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. Multi-Processing design offers you a crash-free, lock-up-free, memory-leak-free...

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Secure Browser

Secure Browser 56.0.416.73 updated

Secure Browser is a fast, secure and private web browser. With a built-in Security & Privacy Center, Secure Browser has the worlds first browser integrated security and privacy management console. Key Features: Active Anti-Virus - Stop viruses and...

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