SuperCool Bookmark is a bookmark organizer and Web form filler that can collect, organize, browse, and search bookmarks or e-mail address, and fill in Web form. Support multiple users. Add, search, or browse bookmark from any running Internet Explorer...


MeBlog 1.0

MeBlog can hold your favorite blogs and check for updates within seconds(approx 4-5 s for 20-30 blogs). Originally made for blogs. Can be used to check updated sites without visiting them and minimal data transfer.Requirements:Windows...

If you have some personal information, which you don't want to share with other people and if you find it is so troublesome to find a useful file or tool from your large disk, with SecuriBook, you can save all of them together, use them easily, and don't...

URL Manager helps you organize and categorize your favorite Internet sites. You can enter them manually, or import them automatically from HTML, comma-delimited, and other documents. The program allows you to browse sites, print reports on them, create...

Hyperlink BookMark Tool. This utility not only acts as a bookmark for your favorite sites, it also creates a statistical breakdown as to how often you go to a site, when was the last time you visited a site, and your average visits per month. Having...

BMS (BookMark Savant) is a bookmark manager, address book and text clippings repository all rolled into one application. BMS' tab-panel collapses to a mere one-pixel strip down the extreme left side of your monitor when not in use. Once cursor enters and...

A powerful Internet browsing utility that enables you to keep track of pages you have visited and may wish to visit again. Its patented iCarousels information display system keeps the collections of pages that you create highly visible and easy to access....

Sitespector is a powerful Windows application that automatically visits web pages that are critical to your business, and notifies you if they have changed. Sitespector checks the sections of each web page that are important to you, and displays new...


dotBookmark 1.0.51

DotBookmark is a service that will keep unlimited back-up copy of your bookmarks on the Web server and will allow you to reach them whenever you want and from any computer. You don t need to keep open an extra browser with the list of your bookmarks,...