Auto Mouse Clicker is a simple automatic mouse click utility that makes the computer repeat mouse clicks for you automatically and efficiently. It's helpful for games and work that require massive amounts of mouse clicks. Key Features: Powerful Auto...

Auto Keyboard Presser is a small automation tool that can press a specified key or key combination automatically and continuously. This program is especially useful if you need to hold a key or key combination continuously in a game. It allows you to...

The software abylon App-Blocker shows all applications clearly in a table, like the entries in the startup menu, in the registry, all running services and processes. One click is enough to permanently disable them or remove completely. It features...

Groupsymmetry from Condrey Corporation automates network group membership updates, adding or removing network users from group objects in real-time, according to the policies and events you establish. Groupsymmetry monitors Microsoft Active Directory and...

Action Recorder

Action Recorder

Action Recorder is an easy-to-use mouse and keyboard recording tool. It can record all your mouse and keyboard actions, and then repeat all the actions. This tool can save you a lot of time and effort, it can be very useful for you. And you can create...

Automation Batch Tools is a program for automation and batch processing of repetitive tasks on the computer. With the built-in automation tasks modules you can generate image galleries, resize images, FTP upload files to multiple servers, rename files,...

Replace, insert, delete, copy, move, format, extract, convert, encode, encrypt text and bytes in multiple files. Process thousands of files using multiple CPU cores manually, automatically/continuously, in triggered/scheduled or console modes, or directly...

Shutdown Clock is a free application that will help you schedule PC tasks like shutdown, restart, log off, lock and hibernate at any time. By defining a set of tasks Shutdown Clock monitors your system time and executes these tasks when needed. You can...

Auto Macro

Auto Macro

Auto Macro is the Windows Automation Software. It can automate frequent tasks, save your time and money. Key features include where it can record and repeat all mouse and keyboard actions, find and click image on the screen with Smart Click,edit the mouse...

Simply place the NumLocksAlwaysON.exe file into any computers all users start up folder and every time the PC is started and logged in this application will be running silently in the background. If for whatever reason the Num Locks gets turn off this...