
vkontakte 1.3.2

vkontakte.ru is Russia's largest social network. Can be used to get an user's public profile data and embed it in a Python-powered app.OAuth2 access_token is supported.What is new in this release:More COMPLEX_METHODS are supported. What is new in version...


Github2 0.6.2

It even comes with support for issues, followers network and more.Features:Users: Searching Getting User Information Getting User Network Following Network Issues: List a Projects Issues View an Issue View Comments on an Issue Open and Close Issues Add...


tumblrCFC 0.3

Methods are available for interacting in real-time with the Tumblr service.Features:Available methods: currentVersion - Returns current version of tumblrCFC lastUpdated - Returns last updated date readBlog - readDashboard - Reading dashboard...

Instagram is a mobile photo service for sharing pictures with your friends, recently acquired by Facebook.This ColdFusion component (CFC) can be used in a variety of ways.For starters, instagramCFC supports getting popular images, photos by a certain tag...