
http-parser 0.8.3

Actually the module is written in C.Inspired and based on HTTP Parser by Ryan Dahl.Requirements:Python 2.6 or higher Cython if needing to rebuild the C...

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demjson 2.2.2

JSON is a subset of ECMAScript (JavaScript) for encoding primitive data types (numbers, strings, booleans, lists, and associative arrays) in a language-neutral simple text-based syntax, described by the RFC 4627 standard.This module provides classes and...

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FFC 1.4.0

FFC can be used as a form evaluation system for DOLFIN but can also be used to compile forms for other systems as well.FFC works as a compiler for multilinear forms by generating code (C or C++) for the evaluation of a multilinear form given in...

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rss2jira 0.1.22

rss2jira works with already existing RSS feeds and with real-time updates to designated feeds.To avoid duplicates, already existing RSS entries and JIRA issues are ignored.The keywords it follows are all customizable and can be set via the rss2jira.conf...

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Zopfli is a data compression algorithm developed by Google for better file archiving.The module allows developers to use this algorithm from their Python-based apps and websiteswithout having to deal with C code...

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3to2 1.1.1

Python is a widely used programming language which features two main branches: 2.x and 3.x.Each of them uses its own syntax, not really that different between version, but different enough not to run except in its own branch.While a recent survey has...

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The Python NHL Reader

The Python NHL Reader 3.4 updated

The Python NHL Reader, or just 'nhl' in the Python module repository, can provide a simple solution for a problem that has been around for ages: getting sport statistics without having to deal with complicated APIs or huge database files that need to be...

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Whoosh 2.7.0

Mixing any programming language with another programming language is regarded by any developer around as a "no no."Unless your working for someone in Silicon Valley and, or benefit from a team of developers to back you up, it is widely regarded as a good...

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Kombu 3.0.26 updated

AMQP stands for Advanced Message Queuing Protocol.While it's still a niche technology it's also very powerful and slowly but surely seeing a rise in usage for creating real-time communication applications.Kombu provides a wrapper for most AMQP features,...

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json_tools 0.4.0

It enhances Ptyhon's default features for working with JSON data.Features:Diff tool Pretty print JSON Pretty print JSON in the CLI JSON paths manipulation utilities Split JSON data Patch JSON...

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