
Weber 1.0.6

Weber can compile, merge and compress various scripts and stylesheets before sending them to the client's browser.This speeds up the loading process for that app/website, and helps the developer deliver faster products, optimized for today's...


lessphp 0.5.0

LESS stands for Leaner CSS and it's an extension to the CSS language adding support for variables, nested rules, mixins and operations.In most cases, developers use either Ruby or JavaScript to convert LESS files to normal CSS.This PHP library provides a...


ExecJS 2.4.0 updated

Works by taking a JS snippet, opening a JavaScript runtime, running the code and returning the result as a Ruby object.Depending on the user's platform and capabilities, ExecJS automatically chooses the best runtime available to run the JavaScript...


asm.js 0.0.3

Being strict by nature means asm.js can run in older browsers, even if not at maximum capabilities.asm.js is basically a JavaScript compiler, taking syntax written in asm.js specific syntax and porting it back to JavaScript.The entire system was inspired...

IcedCoffeeScript is based on CoffeeScript, a programming language that compiles into JavaScript, and natively supports all .coffee files.The main difference between the original CoffeeScript language and IcedCoffeeScript is the latter's support for...


pyScss 1.3.4

pyScss compress SCSS code into CSS, allowing Python developers to use SCSS inside their Python apps.Sass is a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) metalanguage.It is a scripting language that is interpreted into CSS.The module is fully compatible with SCSS (Sass)...


php-sass 1.0

php-sass uses the scssphp library to take SASS/SCSS code and convert it to standards compliant CSS code.The class can be used at runtime, taking the developer's .scss files and converting them to .css files every time a user access the site.This ensures...


Lumbar 5.0.0

Lumbar works by sniffing the user's device details, building the JS code and delivering appropriate modules.Besides generating the correct JS code needed in the app, it will also get all the appropriate Stylus files compile them to CSS, and send them to...