jQuery ScrollTabs

jQuery ScrollTabs 2.0.0 updated

jQuery ScrollTabs can be used with tab panels that hold lots of tabs, tab panels that need to be rendered on mobile devices and the tab bar won't fit on screen, or with dynamic tab panels that allow users to add or remove tabs on the fly.ScrollTabs...

jQuery Selectric

jQuery Selectric 1.9.3 updated

jQuery Selectric is yet another attempt at providing a better way to customize HTML select tags.By default, to use custom graphics with a drop-down select list, developers need to use a form masking plugin, that don't always allow full access via CSS and...

jQuery Sidebar

jQuery Sidebar 3.3.2 updated

jQuery Sidebar can show sidebars from the top, bottom, left, or right of the page. These panels can be opened or closed using separate buttons, or the same button acting like a toggle. Multiple sidebars can be opened at once, but this is unadvised since...

jQuery simplepicker (or simplePicker) is a jQuery widget that appears in the form of a popup calendar whenever users focus their cursor inside special form fields that require the user to enter a date.The component lets them easily select the date they...

jQuery simplepicker (or simplePicker) is a jQuery widget that appears in the form of a popup calendar whenever users focus their cursor inside special form fields that require the user to enter a date.The component lets them easily select the date they...

jQuery Social Textarea can show a dropdown panel with input alternatives whenever the "@" character is typed and followed by another character.The "@" character is not mandatory and can be easily changed to anything else, but the behavior remains the...

jQuery Steps

jQuery Steps 1.1.0

jQuery Steps blends the power of the jQuery JavaScript framework with the beautiful interface of the Bootstrap UI framework, creating a very easy to use plugin that can be used to power-up step guides and wizard forms.jQuery Steps works by taking a series...

jQuery Sticky Alert Bar is an ideal tool for showing important messages on a Web page.From alerts, notifications, warnings, updates, promotions, greeting messages, and even feedback for various user-taken actions, all can be displayed inside the jQuery...

For tables that include support for collapsible rows and multiple level nested layouts, it's very difficult to always get your barrings and see where in the table you currently are.jQuery Tabelizer adds colorful grouping indicators to the side of a table,...

jQuery Tabinate was created for instances where the entire jQuery UI framework is not needed, but only a simple tab panel component.This lightweight jQuery plugin can take an HTML list and different DIVs, tying them together so whenever the user selects a...