jQuery tabs is a simple, relatively fast way of building tabbed panels.The plugin supports deep-linking via #hashtags and also allows developers to place any type of content they want inside the panels without affecting the plugin. This means everything...

jQuery Tagz

jQuery Tagz 1.0.5

jQuery Tagz was modeled after the jQuery Tags Input plugin and works similarly to it in many ways.The plugin works by taking words or terms separated by a comma or ENTER key and transforming them into a beautiful, stylized button.Each of the added tags...

jQuery Timepicker Addon

jQuery Timepicker Addon 1.6.1 updated

jQuery Timepicker Addon allows users to easily enter a time value using horizontal sliders in jQuery UI's date selection widget.Because it's integrated with jQuery UI, the plugin can be used almost anywhere, either with the standard calendar drop-down or...

jQuery Toaster supports showing four notification types: info, danger, warning, and success.For all these formats the developer can configure to show a notification title and a small description.All "toast" messages are non-intrusive (don't block access...

jQuery UI gDatepicker tries to mimic the interface of some of the datepickers seen with Google's services, specifically in its Google Calendar application.The datepicker works on top of the Moment.js date manipulation library and allows developers to...

jQuery UI Panel can be used to replace the native jQuery UI tab panel widget.The difference between the two is that the native component supports horizontal layouts while jQuery UI Panel works with vertical displays.Tabs within the jQuery UI Panel plugin...

jQuery UI Slider Pips

jQuery UI Slider Pips 1.9.2 updated

jQuery UI Slider Pips comes with a set of features that improve the already powerful jQuery UI slider widget.While the improvements address UI & UX related issues, they are very useful especially in interfaces where the user needs more control and more...