
123People 1.0

123People is a people search engine that scours the Web to help you find information on everyone you (want to) know. Using a proprietary search algorithm, you can find comprehensive and centralized people profiles consisting of images, videos, phone...

A Safe Site. Helping keep the web safe. Check the safety of any website. There is also safe searches and safe online shopping. Resources are available for webmasters which include free trust seals to show that your website is safe to...

Ajax Lookup is a, Ajax-based search engine that looks up domain names using the WHOIS protocol. Simply enter the domain name you'd like to search, check the extensions you'd like to include (.com, .net, etc.), and hit return. You'll get nearly instant...


AllTh.at 1.0

Allth.at is the search that never stops. We will keep looking for your item on the sites you select and report new search results back to you. You can also choose to have new results emailed to you or, you can subscribe to the RSS feed and have your new...

AllYourWords.com is a social word association engine. Enter a word and you view the Website associated with that word. Or, if you come up with a new word, you get to associate it. You may also re-associate words to your...


Alonovo 1.0

The Alonovo mission is to connect the concept of corporate behavior directly to the profit motive. When a corporation is evolving to balance people, planet and profit everyone wins. We are working to inform society in a very simple, visually appealing...


Appinions 1.0

What are people talking and thinking about? Who's leading the latest or important conversations? The emergence of social media has made it more challenging to discover the top influencers. Appinions meets this growing challenge with innovative and...


Ask.com 1.0

Ask.com gives you the best answers online to make searching quick and easy. Search types include questions, Web, images, news, q&a, local, maps, tv listings, events, recipes, videos, shopping, and blogs. When you search Web results you will have all of...


Bing 1.0

Bing is a decision engine. With a powerful set of intuitive tools on top of its search service, Bing helps you make smarter, faster decisions. The best search results are presented in a more organized way to simplify key tasks and help you make important...