6,760 Fonts is a large archive with many free fonts.The Absolute Fonts Archive created a page that will let you download many fonts one at a time, or for a fee you can download them all as a zip file. Upon careful inspection of their site I found a...

Antennavis is a OpenGL antenna visualisation toolkit for nec2.This software was written by Kenneth E. Harker, WM5R in 1998. I liked the 3D images of the presented antenna patterns on Kenneth's web-site so much that I have put some effort into creating a...


Antiprism 0.23

Antiprism project is a suite of programs for the generation, manipulation, and visualisation of polyhedra.Make a cubeThis can be done with unipoly, which can be used to make all the uniform polyhedra. unipoly cube > cube.offDisplay with off2pov -o...


Arrowmatcher 3.0.0

Arrowmatcher application is a simple tool for crossbow archers. This ballistic software can calculate the speed, kinetic energy and the trajectory of an arrow (or bullet), and then use these values to calibrate the lead points of a crossbow's telescopic...


basemap 1.0.6

basemap is an add-on toolkit for Matplotlib that lets you plot data on map projections with coastlines, lakes, rivers and political boundaries.See http://scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Maps for an example of what it can do.What is new in this release:fix...


bitedit 0.9.4

bitedit is a simple ncurses program for editing a file. It allows you to directly edit of the individual bits of a binary file in a graphical fashion. It is useful for editing bitmap font...


boinc 2.15

boinc can be used as a console tool to display information about BOINC projects and working units. It can also be used to start or stop BOINC.At the beginning of the file, some variables are to be set according to your needs.To install the script, just...


Cassandra 2.2

Cassandra is a VTK/Java based 3D Scientific Data Viewer.Cassandra is a modular and advanced 3D scientific data viewer. Cassandra is written in Java and based on the Visualisation Tool Kit, VTK. Like in OpenDX, Cassandra includes a graphical visualisation...

CharMap is a Java 5.0 graphical (GUI) application to display Unicode characters or glyphs in text fonts, and copy those characters to the system clipboard. Its major purpose is as a visual accessory for word processors such as Microsoft Word. The...


cptutils 1.57

cptutils is an open source and completely free command-line software implemented in C and designed to provide users with a number of utilities for manipulating colour gradients on GNU/Linux or UNIX-like operating systems.More than 15 utilities are...