The term "assets" refers to JavaScript and CSS files.This CodeIngiter plugin will allow the developer to control how and when assets are called and loaded inside an app.Assets-Helper supports loading one file at a time, or grouping and loading multiple...


Carabiner 1.45

Inspired by Minify, Carabiner allows developers to combine, minify and cache JavaScript and CSS files.As files are changed, the older file is purged from the cache, and a new copy is...

CI View

CI View 0.1.2

Opposed to CodeIgniter's native "all or nothing" caching mechanism, this library manages views and their CSS & JavaScript assets, and caching these views dynamically.Features:It's unobtrusive. This library overrides no CodeIgniter functionality. We...


CI-Merchant 2.1.3

CI-Merchant is nothing more than a gateway-agnostic payment system on which various billing providers can be integrated.It comes with support for various known gateways out of the box, but with the provided documentation, additional custom services can be...

Using the Luminous PHP library adapted to the CodeIgniter plugin system, ci-syntax-highlight allows editors to include code blocks, declare their programming language, and have the source code automatically highlighted when embedded on the...

Amazon Web Services SES (Simple Email Service) is a highly scalable and cost-effective bulk and transactional email-sending service.This library allows apps developed on top of the CodeIgniter PHP framework to query and interact with Amazon SES from...

The library's purpose is to add some new tools for managing the cache files more easily.This allows a developer to manipulated outputted cache files via PHP.Features:Change in perspective between 2D, 3D, and First Person Shooting Gain new abilities which...

It permits developers to write and retrieve chunks of data to and from the storage filesystem.By storing complex or large chunks of data in serialized form on the file system the user can relieve stress from the database or simply cache calls to...