Personal month number is considered to be a very important aspect in the study of numerology. This numerology number is determined on the basis of the date of birth of a native as well as the current month and year. The significance of personal month...

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Personal year number can be calculated by adding the digits of your birthday, your month of birth and your year of birth. There are 9 personal years with nine different types of levels of development. So this software helps you in reevaluate whether you...

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Pinnacle number is an important aspect of numerology. Your pinnacle number, when interpreted, reveals many aspects of your nature and personality. A pinnacle number reading will also lets you know what lies ahead in the next calendar year. Each pinnacle...

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Rational thought number is not a major number in numerology, but it is surely among the most significant one. Interpretation of your rational thought number shows how rational your thought process is. A complete rational thought number reading will also...

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Soul urge number, often referred to as heart desire number is a very important numerology number that influences your innermost desires. An analysis of your soul urge number will reveal your upper most desire. It will let you know about your intimate self...

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The Subconscious Self Number also reveals certain weaknesses in your personality, and advises you to strengthen them, in order to be successful in life. This number tells about your confidence and ability to deal with sudden turn of events and situations....

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Gong Hee Fot Choy is a form of Chinese divination, used by people all over the world. This ancient form of Chinese divination is popular for its accuracy in the future predictions it makes. Another interesting thing about Gong Hee Fot Choy is that it...

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