GTKO 2.34

GTKO is a GTK+ 2 Oracle development tool. Its features include a schema browser, multiple SQL work areas, SQL syntax highlighting, bind variable entry widgets in the command window, tracing facility, and SQL*Plus-style command scripting.For SQL statement...

movingaverage is a Python module to compute the moving average of a list. For example: from movingaverage import movingaverage print list(movingaverage([1,2,3,4,5,6], 3)) >>> [2,3,4,5]movingaverage(data, sample_size): Return the moving...


sqlcmd 0.7.1

sqlcmd is a Python-based SQL command line tool, similar in concept to tools like Oracle's SQL*Plus, the PostgreSQL psql command, and MySQL's mysql tool.In short, sqlcmd is a SQL command tool that attempts to provide the same interface for all supported...


nuBuilder 11.03.22

nuBuilder is a database development tool where all forms, reports, company data and custom code is stored in MySQL and displayed dynamically.At nuSoftware we created nuBuilder so that we could produce customized web-based applications faster than it takes...


BoneCP 0.7.1

BoneCP is an open source and fast Java database connection pool (JDBC Pool). If you are familiar with C3P0 and DBCP then you already what this means. For the rest, this is a library that will manage a database connection for you to get faster...


sqlmap 0.9

sqlmap is an automatic blind SQL injection tool, developed in python, capable to enumerate entire remote database, perform an active database fingerprint and much more.sqlmap's aim is to implement a fully functional database mapper tool which takes...


ssqlfs 2.0

ssqlfs uses a defined file/directory structure to generate an SQL database which corresponds to that file/directory structure.Along with support for one-to-many tables, ssqlfs includes support for representing many-to-many tables. Ideally, the filesystem...