shrinkList might seem like a pretty mundane visibility toggle system, but it is a tool to have around especially when HTML lists seem to take over a Web page.shrinkList allows the developer to show only the top section of a list and display a link...

simpleAccordion can build both versions of accordion panels. The one where only one accordion panel can be opened at a time, and the other version where all panels can be opened or closed as they are needed.The plugin also features simple functions that...

simpleGrid works only with page elements that have the same dimensions, arranging them on a desired number of columns and shifting them around when the page is resized.It can work when displayed on the entire page canvas or just inside a specific...


simpleTabs 1.0.0

simpleTabs is content-agnostic, meaning developers can place anything they like inside the panels, from raw text up to images, forms, or iframes.There's no complex animation for switching between tab panels and the content is switched almost instantly.The...

Unlike similar tooltip systems, simpleTooltip can actually work without JavaScript.The JavaScript part of simpleTooltip only deals with centering the content and dealing with large pieces of text inside the tooltip.The rest is handled via CSS 3 and HTML...

SimpleTreejs works by converting a collection of nested HTML lists into a beautified tree widget, reminiscent of the classic Windows Explorer navigation sidebar.Users can collapse and expand the options they like, searching and selecting the data they're...


simply-toast 1.1.1

simply-toast was inspired by Bootstrap-growl. The difference between this plugin and Bootstrap-growl is that simply-toast doesn't need Bootstrap to work properly, meaning you can skip on loading Bootstrap's JS and CSS files just to show some basic...


Simptip 1.0.4

For the actual Simptip source code SCSS (former SASS) is used (which gets compiled to standards compliant CSS code).The Simptip library is a very basic tooltip system, which actually supports some cool features.Developers can customize tooltip...

SiteHelp.js is a jQuery plugin created for specifically adding a guided help system to a Web site.This system consists of a series of tooltips that appear one after the other next to desired elements on the page, showing users the correct order in which...