RocketScroll doesn't use jQuery to work, being coded in vanilla JavaScript alone.Because of this it is very lightweight when it comes to file size, but also manages to deliver a lot of features regardless.RocketScroll allows easy customization of the...

SC5 Styleguide is based on the Knyle Style Sheets (KSS) tool for Ruby, but works on Node.js.It works practically the same way and using the same notations used with KSS, allowing developers to easily write their CSS code with their adjacent comments and...


Scrollator 1.2 updated

Scrollator simplifies the process of hiding the ugly-looking browser default scrollbar element and overlaying a new scrollbar on top.Instead of pushing the content to the side and taking up essential space, Scrollator lives on top of the container's...

ScrollerBar (formerly known as ScrollBar) replaces the built-in browser scroll-bar styles with one of the developer's liking.It comes with support for both vertically and horizontally scrolling bars, and also ships with a built-in skin to get developers...

scrollindicator.js isn't meant for any Web page, but for long pages where lots of text is displayed (articles, news stories, blog posts, online books, documentation pages, etc.).At first users won't even notice the scrollindicator.js library. Only and...

The Scrolly plugin can be used to create scrollable sidebars.These are sidebars displayed in fixed position, always remaining visible on the page no matter how long the page is.The sidebars can also contain multiple sections which also have fixed...

SCSS Tooltips

SCSS Tooltips 1.0.3 updated

SCSS Tooltips was created to show developers how useless and bulky JavaScript-based tooltip components have become.This small SCSS snippet provides a much lighter solution for showing any kind of hover-based tooltips without having to add extra hidden...

select-switch's main feature is to the way users select items. Instead of clicking on the drop-down indicator and selecting with the mouse an item from the list, users only need to click the toggle button.With every click the selected list item is changed...


Selectize 0.12.1 updated

Selectize can be used for creating drop-down auto-complete widgets that present input alternatives as the user types in his word.Selectize can be used to create keyword inputs, tag fields or just simple auto-complete forms just like on Facebook.Examples...

Sensei Grid

Sensei Grid 0.3.7 updated

Sensei Grid uses jQuery to let users select a table cell using their mouse and press Enter to activate the editing mode.Content can then be edited using a text input field or a textarea, but if certain limitations must be respected for the table data, the...