The "is-calendar" MooTools class provides a quick method of adding a date picker widget to a Web page one line of JavaScript code.Once added to a form input field, every time the user focuses into that field, a popup calendar will be shown from where the...


ProgressJs 0.1.0

ProgressJs can build progress indicators in various forms (lines, bars, panels, overlays, etc.), the limit being in the developer's imagination.These progress indicators can be used to mask the loading of an object, signaling his loading status and when...


nanobar.js 0.2.3 updated

The effect mimics the loading bar seen on YouTube every time a user loads a new video to watch.Basically the library can be used in programmatically generating and controlling a progress indicator, without hindering the page loading process itself.The bar...

Edge Alerts allows developers to use their very own CSS to style the alert window, improving the way it looks and avoiding its ugly default graphics from standing out from the rest of the site's user interface.A default CSS style is included by default...

css-toggle reproduces the famous UI toggle button pattern via CSS 3 transitions only.Since there can be only one opened state at a time, putting more than one toggle element near each other will produce a nifty looking accordion widget. All produced with...


Chroniton 1.1.0

Chroniton is a versatile time and date picker that can be used together with charts and data visualizations.The component can be incredibly useful whenever needing to display statistical data that's recorded using timestamps, allowing users to filter and...


ngProgress 1.1.3 updated

Inspired by the YouTube loading bar, ngProgress implements the same principle, but adapted for the AngularJS library.This component acts like a preloader, hiding content under the loading animation, only revealing it when it finished loaded.Developers can...

Bootstrap 3 Typeahead adds support for an typeahead, auto-complete, dropdown plugin to Bootstrap 3.x, feature eliminated when the framework updated from its previous 2.x branch.The Bootstrap development team opted to drop this cumbersome component, urging...

ngNanoscroller adapts the nanoScroller.js jQuery plugin to the way AngularJS apps work, allowing developers an easy way to customize their scroll bars.Since all of the plugin's original features are supported, you can expect keyboard arrow scrolling to...