
jquery.mb.YTPlayer 2.9.4 updated

jquery.mb.YTPlayer works with the YouTube Chromeless player, allowing developers to build their very own custom YouTube players, in this case, one that functions in the backdrop of the entire page.When the plugin was released first, the concept was quite...

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jquery.mb.mediaEmbedder uses a WordPress shortcode-like syntax, easy to use and easy to remember by anyone.The plugin was developed to work mainly with Flash videos and audio streams, and can be used on its own or embedded with plugins for various CMS,...

jquery.mb.scrollable main usage is for featured content sliders, allowing the developer to build his own article or image slider using a wide array of available features.The plugin lets him control how many slider items are visible, the type of navigation...


jquery.mb.valueSlider 1.6.0 updated

jquery.mb.valueSlider transforms regular text input fields into a horizontal line with one or two handles that can be adjusted using the mouse.These handles let the user select the value they want without having to type it and the plugin lets developers...

jquery.mb.miniAudioPlayer uses the well-known jPlayer engine to embed a player and play audio files.Besides static audio files, the plugin can also handle radio streams as well.Developers can customize what buttons appear inside the player, its coloring...

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jquery.mb.tooltip hides the browser default tooltip styles and replaces them with a CSS-skinned version.The tooltip's content can be loaded from the page's HTML code or requested via an AJAX call from a remote location.Only basic text content is supported...

jquery.mb.extruder is a simple method of showing side menus, side panels, or hidden sections of the page.The panels can be animated from the left, right, top or bottom.Inside the panel itself, the developer can place any kind of text or HTML-based content...

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jquery.mb.menu can work in both horizontal or vertical layouts.Besides classic navbar layouts, jquery.mb.menu is generic enough so it can replace the context menu shown by default with most browsers on right mouse clicks.The plugin is easy to deploy, easy...

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