Mailman Manager

Mailman Manager 7.x-1.0-rc1 / 6.x-2.3 / 5.x-2.0

The administer page allows administrators to add or delete lists and program appropriate request addresses to which commands are sent by Drupal via email. Each subscription is assigned a password which is then used by the module to automatically change...

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Nodeflow 7.x-1.0

Nodeflow was developed for Drupal sites that have a large number of pages and articles.Its role is to help administrators make their way around the backend in an easier faster way.Installation:Login the Drupal administration panel.Go to Modules...

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He can specify two folder locations, one for CSS and one for JS where the custom stylesheets and JavaScripts files are located.Just put the files in those folders and they will be added in the header, allowing to set extra parameters and scripts. ...

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Browsing History Recommender

Browsing History Recommender 7.x-1.0-alpha6 / 6.x-1.4

The module uses the {history} table that keeps track of 30 days of users' node browsing history. When the "boost comments" option is enabled, the module  takes users' commenting history as browsing history as well.Two new blocks called "Users who...

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Folder Menu (Drupal)

Folder Menu (Drupal) 7.x-1.4 / 6.x-1.4

The Folder Menu plugin shows a menu to the side of the blog in a fixed or scrolling position that expands to reveal sub-items per each menu entry (if available).Webmasters can customize the menu's colors, its position, and if to make it stick when...

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Media: 8Tracks

Media: 8Tracks 7.x-1.0-alpha1 / 6.x-1.2

Content is inserted with the Embedded Media Field.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable ...

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Ubercart Products Recommender

Ubercart Products Recommender 7.x-1.0-alpha1 / 6.x-1.1

Two modules called "Customers who ordered this product also ordered" and "Recommended for you" are created.If a user hasn't made any orders, nothing is displayed. Installation: Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable...

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Media: Flickr

Media: Flickr 7.x-2.0-alpha3 / 6.x-1.13

The Media: Flickr project currently offers Flickr Photoset capabilities to the Embedded Media Field module, upon which this module is dependent.To use it, enable the Embedded Video Field module, and add a Third Party Video field to a content type.To...

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Comment subjects

Comment subjects 7.x-2.0-alpha2 / 6.x-1.5 / 5.x-1.4 / 4.7.x-1.4

The subject is derived from either the title of the node, or the subject of the parent comment.This title takes the familiar form of 'Re: [parent comment tile]'. If the parent already starts with 're:', it is not added a second time.Changing the title to...

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