
Checkfront 7.x-1.3 / 6.x-1.0

Checkfront is an online Availability, Reservation and Booking Platform.It provides a powerful real time booking interface within the site.The user can configure Checkfront to manage his inventory, packages, accept reservations and process payments and...

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Views watchdog

Views watchdog 7.x-3.3 / 6.x-2.3

Lists can be for pages, blocks and feeds.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer ...

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Simple Mail

Simple Mail 8.x-1.1 / 7.x-1.1 updated

While the Drupal core handles the task of sending emails beautifully, this module simplifies this process for various reasons. So instead of MIME or HTML support, use Simple Mail to just send a raw email to a person, containing just a subject and the...

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File logger

File logger 7.x-1.1 / 6.x-1.1

It also dumps variables from the log within a running Drupal app.Its sole function is to support debugging, and avoid the awkwardness of dumping variables either to the console or to the watchdog table.Instead, using the Unix tail command, a developer can...

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Mobile Codes

Mobile Codes 7.x-2.1 / 6.x-2.0

The codes can contain URLs, Text or Phone Numbers, making it easy to pass data directly to a mobile phone. The module provides an input filter in order to generate the code: [mobilecodes type="type" data="data type" size="size" name="name"...

Todo Filter

Todo Filter 7.x-1.1 / 6.x-1.1

The user can mark the todo when is done by click on the checkbox attached to it and toggle it done.Syntax[_] Todo task - It will show checkbox that isn't check[/] Todo task - it will show checkbox that is checkedInstallation:Unpack ...

Mass Contact

Mass Contact 7.x-1.1 / 6.x-1.6 / 5.x-2.7

Mass Contact is recommended for Drupal sites with a large user base, where the admin does not have time to send out newsletters and needs to outsource this task to a moderator or another regular user. The module is basically like old IM mass messaging...

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The module provides placeholder functions and separator menu items for all menu types found on a Drupal site. A placeholder is a menu item which is not a link.It is useful with dynamic drop down menus where we want to have a parent menu item which is...

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Chat Catcher

Chat Catcher 6.x-1.1

Whenever a user in Twitter links to a page in a Drupal site, the Chat Catcher service calls a URL created by this module to register the Twitter mention as a comment.This even works if the link is behind a URL shortener.Installation:Unpack ...