Yahoo! Pipes

Yahoo! Pipes 7.x-1.0 / 6.x-0.1

The module just provides an API for storing Yahoo! Pipes data in an SQL table and use Views schema to provide Views integration.The yahoopipes() function will take a Pipe ID, as well as an associative array of arguments, and then cache the data...

QA Checklist

QA Checklist 6.x-6.x-dev

This helps keeping track of QA tasks that need to be done.It can prove very useful in situations when someone takes over the SEO tasks on a website they did not build. This module can give them an idea on what has already been done and what is still...

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UC Netpay

UC Netpay 6.x-1.0

Netpay is an Israeli payment processing gateway.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building > ModulesRequirements:Drupal...


Beautifier 6.x-1.0-alpha2

It is a PHP Formatter / Tabifier / Pretty Printer / Code Format / Coding Style / Indent / Beautyfier.It provides a code formatter with web interface.Users upload file or paste code, hit a button to either receive feedback about their code style (similar...

The title will consist of the native title of the language.The effect will be, that hovering over a language link will display the native language title.The module is recommended for displaying language icons (e.g. flags) and no text with...

Forum auto delete

Forum auto delete 6.x-1.0-alpha1

Can be used to delete forum posts older than a certain amount of time.If a post has a comment more recent than the delete threshold, it won't be deleted. Installation:Unpack ...

Charts (Drupal)

Charts (Drupal) 7.x-2.0-rc1 / 6.x-1.0

The Charts module for Drupal allows a developer to take statistical data and display it on a Web page using beautiful formatted charts.The site admin has full control over how these charts are rendered on the page, being able to customize axis details,...

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Charts And Graphs

Charts And Graphs 7.x-2.0 / 6.x-2.7

In its base, the module is an API for developers, easily extensible by third-party modules that want to add their own charting implementations.Please read README/INSTALL files of the implementations since their installation may involve downloading Flash...

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Remember me

Remember me 7.x-1.0 / 6.x-2.4 / 5.x-2.2

This module aims to fulfill this requirement with the smallest change possible to the default Drupal behavior.This module will add a "Remember me" checkbox to all login forms allowing the user to indicate to Drupal whether to remember his/her session or...

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TableField 7.x-2.4 / 6.x-2.1 updated

The input form allows the user to specify the number of rows/columns and allows entry into each table cell using text fields.This is an CCK field, thus it inherits all the features of such fields, such as revision capability, ability to store multiple...

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