
ClassyLoader 1.2.0

Every time a developer needs to load a big chunky piece of content on the page, it is widely recommended he uses a preloader to let the user know that there's a loading operation going on and when that operation finishes.ClassyLoader provides a tool to...

Golden Layout

Golden Layout 1.0.9 updated

Golden Layout is not a complete UI framework, but a UI component that can help create interactive, responsive layouts.The component's name comes from its built-in support for layouts that follow the Golden Ratio (Spiral) principle.Golden Layout gives...

Gradient Picker provides a visual interface for creating CSS 3 gradients.Users can control the type of gradient, gradient direction, the gradient's colors and the amount of color points in each gradient.To help selecting colors, a color picker widget is...

The Stepwise Progress Bar UI widget shows the total number of steps a user must go through, highlighting the user's current position, while also masking out the steps he already went through.Raphael JS is used to render the UI widget itself, while jQuery...


Nutshell 1.1.0

The Nutshell plugin uses a classic configuration mechanism with JS variables, but these settings can also be overridden using HTML 5 "data-" attributes.This allows developers to build unique tabbed navigation widgets, holding any type of content, nested...

The PayPal Payment Buttons library allows developers to add "Buy Now", "Donate", "Subscribe", "Add to Cart" and "QR Code Buy Now" PayPal buttons on their page.These buttons are true payment buttons, and not just shelled CSS frames, redirecting users...


stabit 1.0

stabit was created to work as an alternative to the jQuery UI tab panel, a simpler solution that works without the jQuery UI dependency.The plugin works can show inline HTML content inside the tabs, or it can load new content from remote locations via...

fullscreen.js is a wrapper around the new JavaScript Fullscreen API added in all browsers that let developers enter or leave the fullscreen view.The library is nothing more than a collection of three JS functions, one for entering fullscreen mode, one for...


Clockface 1.0.1

Clockface relies on users to recognize regular usage patterns. Instead of using complicated interfaces, dropdowns and buttons to let users select a desired time value, the plugin prints out the hours and minutes on a clock-like circle.The user only needs...

ExpanderPro.js is fully-animated and developers can place any type of content inside their collapsible panel, not just text.Developers can control the animation speed, decide if one or more panels are opened automatically at page load, or even prevent...