SUIT CSS 0.8.0 updated

SUIT CSS focuses on helping developers write modular CSS code, easy to edit and switch around based on current project requirements and needs. This approach makes SUIT ideal for using in component-based layouts, where developers focus on organizing their...

Fraction.less is a collection of common styles for putting together a basic version of a project.Developers can use the default Fraction.less styles, or they can add their own modifications on top of them.The Fraction.less boilerplate was developed to...


TukTuk 1.0.0

TukTuk provides a set of tools for rapidly prototyping responsive Web pages.It's a bare-bones frontend framework that comes packed with UI components ready to be deployed to live websites of Web apps.TukTuk is lightweight in size (an advantage over...

Flat UI

Flat UI 2.2.2

Flat UI was built on top of Twitter's well crafted Bootstrap interface toolkit and allows developers to quickly put user interfaces together by grabbing and assembling the parts they want from Flat UI. It uses Google Web Fonts, many CSS 3 effects and was...

Motherplate is a small tool addressed for developers working on smaller projects or on basic prototyping tasks, a tool that allows them to quickly write their HTML and have it look great out of the box.There are no "special" components included with the...

js-autosuggest works by reading data from a local JSON file and using it as the available suggestions in the dropdown panel shown every time users type inside a designated field.The component was specifically built for powering search engines, so each...

Cinderblock looks more like a beautified CSS reset file than an actual CSS framework.It contains basic margin, padding & border resets and then a few basic style declarations to make sure everything lines up properly.There is also a basic typography...

Ember Widgets is not a full-on frontend UI framework, but it's slowly getting there.The extension is made up of various UI prototypes which allow developers to create user interfaces that run on the Ember framework instead of the classical alternatives...