FunctionStack is a tool more usable to actual developers rather than people that download and tinker with MooTools UI widgets, sliders, forms, or lightbox scripts.It is meant for calling functions, process done step by step, allowing the previous function...



MooStorage (or MooTools LocalStorage) is a cross-browser system that makes sure data is saved to the user's browser in the same manner, regardless of his browser type.Support is included for both setting and getting stored data.For older browsers, the...

Drag.Fling can be used only with horizontally scrolled elements.The items can be grabbed with the mouse and flung to the left or right, bringing the next elements into view.The plugin is ideal to control a series of panels or thumbnails, being very useful...

Users can add tabs on the fly, or can remove them by clicking on the close button.A demo is included in the download package.Styling is left completely up to the user.Because all the tab switching is based on delegated events, no effort is needed to add...


data-mootools 1.4-amd

While the HTML 5 standards includes lots of new features, probably the most used and the most useful to this point is the custom "data-" attribute.This small attribute can be added to any HTML tag and used to store any type of additional information...

The class allows developers to define stylesheets as JS variables, and subsequently run it when needed.A demo is included with the download package.Features:Methods: addRule addRules getRule getRules removeRule What is new in this release:package.yml...


BrandBox 0.2

Also known as a brand box, featured content widget or content slideshow, it changes its content periodically based on an internal timer.The slider is written in MooTools.Navigational links and numbers an be added.Features:Configurable options: Items...


ScrollLoader 1.0.5

ScrollLoader is basically a lazy-loading mechanism for MooTools.It works on the same lazy loading principles, saving server bandwidth and loading only what needs to be displayed in the viewport.Because ScrollLoader can also trigger new content to load on...

It can be overlayed on top of any DOM section, to hide the loading process.The spinner can be rebound to another element at anytime.Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client side MooTools 1.2.3 or...