
webgen 1.4.0 updated

webgen reads data from templates and content files providing the tools for generating dynamic content like menus, modules, links, etc. and saving them in a static structure like HTML.It's basically a classic static site generator, implemented to support...


Grav 0.9.45 / 1.0.0-rc.4 updated

Grav falls in the same category as other PHP scripts like Stacey, Kirby, Yellow, NoShi, or Pico, and scripts written in other programming languages like Jekyll, Hakyll, DocPad, Metalsmith, and Nikola. Grav works in a similar fashion, using a template...


Roots 3.2.2 updated

Roots is a collection of utilities to make developing Web apps a much more easier task with Node.js. It was developed for, and targets the Node.js command line only. Its main purpose is to gather a series of open source utilities, along with some of its...


NoShi 1.0.0

NoShi is not quite a CMS, since there's no visual interface to let users manage their site's content, but using local desktop-based text editors, any website owner can customize the content of their site whenever they want.NoShi is not quite a full-on...


Papery 0.1.9

Paperly works in a simple way.It reads Jinja2 template layouts and inserts content stored in local Markdown or JSON files.Along with the Paperly source, an embedded Web server is also shipped, so sites can be deployed within minutes.Requirements:Jinja2...


Stout 1.1.1 updated

Stout is not that different from any other static site generator, except instead of serving the compiled HTML website from the folder it's in, it uploads it to an Amazon S3 server instead.If your website targets anyone in general and not users in a...


Metalsmith 2.1.0 updated

While most static site compilers work on top of a core that includes all basic functionality, Metalsmith is different. It has a much much smaller core, and all the functionality is added via plugins. So if you want to have a breadcrumb navigation system...


Nib 0.5.7

Nib is a little bit complex compared to other static site compilers.It can differentiate between static pages and blog posts, making it ideal for usage in both cases, or running both features at the same time and on the same site.Nib works by reading a...


Awestruct 0.5.7 updated

Awestruct is basically a static site generator, taking an organized file&folder structure and compiling it into HTML pages that can be deployed via a Web server to your users. Awestruct is inspired by Jekyll, working in the same way (in principle), but...


PieCrust 1.2.0 / 2.0.0-alpha8 updated

Basicalle PieCrust is a very lightweight CMS that’s all managed with text files.PieCrust can easily be integrated with JS libraries and JS API handlers to embed dynamic features like Twitter, Flickr, Disqus widgets and more.What is new in this...