SeedWaterSegmenter is a graphical Python tool to interactively segment image stacks of cells in tissue with edge-labels (aka. white outlines). The interactions are entirely based on the editing of seeds, which in turn are expanded by a watershed...

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Solarized-Dark is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment that uses the Solarized color pallet created by Ethan Schoonover.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

The Expense Submittal System (ESS) is a Web-based solution for the creation of expense reports, expense report approval, payment, and accounting.The complete expense reporting process is covered. ESS provides report entry, approval routing, corporate...

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Universal Password Manager is an open source and cross-platform password manager software.Universal Password Manager is written in Java and uses Swing for the Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is fast, small, streamlined and lean, allowing for fast...

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gnome-brave-mono-light is an open source icon theme for the GNOME desktop environment. It depends on Gnome-Brave and MyElementary, which are included in the archive.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Glass Ubuntu is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment based on the Ambiance Ubuntu 2.3, Ambiance Elementary 2.5 and Ambiance Mint 2.3 themes. It supports Cinnamon 1.8.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the...

Intense_Obscurity is an open source dark theme for the Metacity window decorator, that uses mostly the select foreground and background coloursHow to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Blue Smiley Organizer is Web-based script to manage your bookmarks, diary, reminders, to-do lists, contacts, knowledge, and images in a multi-user environment. Blue Smiley Organizer also includes its own live support help system, blogs, themes, and a...

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Dosage 2.12

Dosage is an application that keeps a local "mirror" of specific Web comics, with a variety of options for naming schemes and updating options.Dosage project supports a recursive "catch-up" method, where it traverses a comic by essentially visiting...

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betterFORM 4.1 / 5.0 RC3

betterFORM is an open source toolkit for web developers who want to build web applications. It provides full support for XForms 1.1, a a rich set of layout-containers and widgets, dynamically loaded subforms and easy installation.betterFORM is fully based...

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