
Boxer 3.3.0

Boxer re-implements (yet again) the modal popup overlay system pioneered by Lightbox in an easy to use, lightweight jQuery plugin. Boxer currently supports showing images, image sets, videos, iframe content and hidden inline HTML.It is very configurable...

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Macaroon 3.1.0

Macaroon can create, edit, parse and remove browser cookies with simple lines of code.Macaroon additionally provides a way of configuring where the cookie gets saved, expiration time and the cookie's domain.The plugin allows a developer to control what is...

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Zoetrope 3.0.4

requestAnimationFrame is a W3C specification for improving animation performance in the browser. It does this by syncing up with the animation's frame rate to the browser's refresh rate.This leads to smoother animations, while for browser tabs running in...

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Scout 3.1.4

There are many website traffic tracking systems around.Google Analytics is better than most of them because it keeps track of various user actions, using a term of: event.Scout allows developers to record and send Events to a Google Analytics accounts via...


Gridlock 3.2.1

Based on the 960 Grid System, Gridlock is for developers that want to build Web pages that can seamlessly be viewed on desktop, tablet and smartphone devices the same.Gridlock revolves around a 12 and 16 column system, that resizes and moves columns...


Mimeo 3.0.9

Mimeo was created to help images render properly on tablets and smartphones.In these aforementioned devices, if rendered at real ratio and size, most images will simply go off-screen or ruin a page's layout.Mimeo works by simply scaling them down to...


Pronto 3.2.1

Pronto allows developers to load certain page sections at a time, increasing page speed by loading the absolutely necessary sections at first, and then fetching the newer content as the user navigates the page.Pronto uses a PJAX and HTML 5 pushState()...

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Picker 3.1.2

Picker works by first hiding the browser and OS-specific UI styles for radio buttons and checkboxes.It then superimposes the developer's desired graphics on top, allowing custom styles to be applied for those 2 elements.Picker supports all radio button...


Tipper 3.1.0

Tipster can create simple looking tooltips which can then be applied to any desired page element or section.The tooltips can be styled via CSS and angled in any direction, allowing the developer to show them over less cluttered and occupied areas.Inside...