
Sizer 3.0.6

The plugin was developed specifically for improving a page's vertical rhythm.Sizer can be used to make sure a collection of elements have the same height so they won't break the page's current layout.Examples are included with the download package.What is...

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Zoetrope 3.0.4

requestAnimationFrame is a W3C specification for improving animation performance in the browser. It does this by syncing up with the animation's frame rate to the browser's refresh rate.This leads to smoother animations, while for browser tabs running in...

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Pronto 3.2.1

Pronto allows developers to load certain page sections at a time, increasing page speed by loading the absolutely necessary sections at first, and then fetching the newer content as the user navigates the page.Pronto uses a PJAX and HTML 5 pushState()...

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Macaroon 3.1.0

Macaroon can create, edit, parse and remove browser cookies with simple lines of code.Macaroon additionally provides a way of configuring where the cookie gets saved, expiration time and the cookie's domain.The plugin allows a developer to control what is...

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