PCLinuxOS Br Edition MATE

PCLinuxOS Br Edition MATE 2018.2 updated

PCLinuxOS Br Edition MATE is an open source Linux distribution built around the traditional and lightweight MATE desktop environment and based on the well known PCLinuxOS operating system. The main target audience of this project is the entire Brazilian...

PCLinuxOS Br Edition Xfce is an open-source GNU/Linux distribution based on the well-known PCLinuxOS operating system and built around the lightweight and highly acclaimed Xfce desktop environment. I should also mention from the start that this is a...

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PCLinuxOS Br Edition LXDE

PCLinuxOS Br Edition LXDE 2018.2 updated

PCLinuxOS Br Edition LXDE is an open source Linux distribution based on the well known PCLinuxOS operating system and built around the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). It has been designed from the ground up to be used by people from the...

PCLinuxOS Br Edition Razor-qt is an open source Linux-based operating system built on top of the lightweight Razor-qt desktop environment and using the latest stable base of the well known PCLinuxOS distribution.The main goal of the PCLinuxOS Br project...

PCLinuxOS Br Edition E19

PCLinuxOS Br Edition E19 2014.6 updated

PCLinuxOS Br Edition E19 is an open source distribution of Linux based on the highly acclaimed PCLinuxOS operating system and built around the modern and eye-candy Enlightenment desktop environment. Its main target audience is the entire Brazilian...

PCLinuxOS Br Edition Fluxbox is an open-source distribution of Linux derived from the famous PCLinuxOS operating system, which in turn is based on the deprecated Mandriva distro, and built around the lightweight and minimal Fluxbox window manager.Supports...

PCLinuxOS Br Edition KDE

PCLinuxOS Br Edition KDE 2016.1 updated

PCLinuxOS Br Edition KDE is an open source distribution of Linux based on the highly acclaimed PCLinuxOS operating system and built on top of the KDE Plasma Workspaces and Applications project. The project’s main goal is to provide an easy-to-use...