
MonetDB 11.21.5 updated

MonetDB is a long standing solution when it comes to dealing with extremely large data sets, unsuitable to be managed from a classical relational database (row-store systems).It successfully implements a column-store system, in which data and relations...

MongoAlchemy is a layer on top of the Python MongoDB driver which adds client-side schema definitions, an easier to work with and programmatic query language, and a Document-Object mapper which allows Python objects to be saved and loaded into the...


mongobird 2.5.0

mongobird can be installed on any OS platform and enable database administrators a simple and efficient system for following and managing a MongoDB database.The database monitoring process works in real-time, providing crucial details about a MongoDB...


MongoBit 0.2.10

MongoDB is database server written in C++. It follows the NoSQL, key-value store system and is scalable, high-performance and open sourced.MongoBit uses the pymongo MongoDB Python driver to allow developers to query, interact and automate some MongoDB...