
Django-DBBackup 2.3.3 updated

Backs up a Django app's database to various environments and restores them when needed.Features: Keep your important data secure and offsite. Use Crontab or Celery to setup automated backups. Great to keep your development database up to date. Supported...



Firebird is a relational database which will offer you many ANSI SQL ordinary features that runs on Windows, Linux and a variety of Unix systems.Django is an advanced MVC framework for the Python programming language.The 'django-firebird' module will...


django-mssql 1.7 updated

Django is a high-level Python web framework for rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.This module simply allows Django-based apps to store their content and itneract with MS SQL databases.Thanks to the detailed documentation, django-mssql is very...


django-mysql 0.2.1 updated

django-mysql comes to boost Django's built-in MySQL support, also allowing interaction with MariaDB, an open source, community fork of MySQL started by the database's original creator.The module comes as a completion to Django's native MySQL capabilities,...


django-redis 4.2.0 updated

This package is an evolution of an older (abandoned) Django package for Redis, django-redis-cache.On top of the older code, some new features have been added, to keep track with the recent changes introduced with the newer versions of Redis.The package...


drive-db 2.0.0 updated

drive-db was created to allow information to be pulled from a Google Drive spreadsheet at regular intervals. This way users can collectively edit a shared spreadsheet and other applications can pull in the most recent version of the information and update...


Edda 0.7.0

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, perfect for high traffic and intensive load environments.The MongoDB databases uses the mongod daemon to create log files of what happened with the database while in usage.Edda works by taking mongod log...


EJDB 1.2.8 updated

EJDB was modeled after MongoDB and uses a key-value pair system (NoSQL) to store data in static JSON files.This means, as with any NoSQL-like database that it's fast, but can't work with too complicated data structures.What is new in this...

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database, perfect for high traffic and intensive load environments.Fang of Mongo was created to allow database administrators a way to explore their MongoDB databases.Created for remote databases at first, Fang of...