
SuiteCRM 7.5.3 updated

SuiteCRM is a PHP CRM forked from the hugely popular SugarCRM. SugarCRM users can easily migrate to SuiteCRM, from both SugarCRM versions, Professional and Community. Just like the original CRM, SuiteCRM can be immediately deployed and used in production...


UseResponse 3.4.2 updated

UseResponse is an unique tool, a PHP & MySQL script developed to help business owners answer the needs of their clients using a Web-based application. Customers can register, ask questions, answer existing questions, report bugs, consult the FAQ section,...

Vtiger CRM

Vtiger CRM 6.3.0 updated

The Vtiger CRM can be considered the "top dog" when it comes to free CRM solutions.Benefiting from a huge array of professional features, Vtiger is ideal for managing a company's entire activity online.Vtiger allows business owners to move their...


Zurmo 3.1.1 updated

Zurmo is a CRM app built with technologies like jQuery, Yii, and RedBeanPHP, developed with the goal of helping business owners move online their employee and commercial activity management applications. The entire system is extremely easy to install and...