wytiwym-editor stands for "What You Type Is What You Mean."As its name hints, wytiwym-editor is a little bit different from classic WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors.The editor leaves the writer to his text, showing styling controls only when...

Markdownify is a combination between WYSIWYG and WYSIWYM editors, a compromise that makes both clients and developers happy.It works on top of the CodeMirror code editor, allowing easy Markdown input complete with syntax highlighting, but also features a...

The Makona Editor was coded on top of Facebook's React JavaScript framework and uses "blocks" as editable elements.Users can edit or remove existing page content blocks, or they can add their own by pressing the "+" icon.Various content blocks are...


demarcate.js 2.0.2

demarcate.js allows users to style text using Markdown syntax and the help of a toolbar, and then converts it to normal HTML which can be embedded in any Web page.Instead of a formatting textarea, demarcate.js uses editable page sections, blending classic...


Redactor 1.2.6

The Redactor jQuery plugin transforms regular textareas into WYSIWYG editors, allowing site users to enter and style their text as they see fit. Redactor was built to be used as a basic rich text editor, yet it has slowly evolved from a nice open source...