angular-datepicker is actually the pickadate.js jQuery plugin, without the jQuery dependency and packed as a basic AngularJS directive. This will simplify the process of loading and using the date and time picker components without having to load both the...

jQuery Awesome Cursor

jQuery Awesome Cursor 0.1.5 updated

jQuery Awesome Cursor lets developers hide the browser's default mouse cursor graphics and display a custom cursor instead. While this might seem something extremely trivial, if you've never tried to do this before, just heed our advice and...

District Picker

District Picker 1.0.1 updated

The first field is for selecting the province, the second is for the city, and the third is for selecting the city district.All fields work in a series, so if you don't pick the previous field, the current field won't show any options.Each of these fields...


noUiSlider 8.2.1 updated

noUiSlider was created because in Web projects where a range slider was needed, developers previously need to load the entirely jQuery UI framework just for one meager UI component. Since the jQuery UI framework is quite large, it made no sense when it...


HUSL 6.0.1 updated

HUSL stands for HUman-friendly HSL.HUSL is a simplified version of the HSL color space, with less accent on complex color computations, and more on chromatics.It's basically a combination between HSL and CIE LChuv, in an attempt to provide a more usable...

Ember Table

Ember Table 0.9.2 updated

Besides just modifying table UI and adding extra controls, Ember Table also changes how tables handle the data itself. This extension was coded so it will lazy-load rows as they become visible on screen, fetching the data only when it's needed. This...


AmaranJS 0.5.4 updated

AmaranJS can be used whenever the developer needs a sleek way of showing feedback messages to the user without clogging up the middle of his screen.This small plugin lets developers show small popup messages in one of his browser's corners, and also...


WATable 1.10.3 updated

WATable takes normal HTML tables and converts them to what other developers have started to call "data grid," or "datagrid" components.These datagrid components are a way to present tabular data using an interface and controls similar to what you usually...