Fwdmarket Timepicker shows a popup whenever the user focuses inside an input field where a time value is expected.The popup presents the user with a standard time and a set of arrow buttons to adjust it.By default the adjustment step is 15 minutes, but...


notifyMe 1.1.0

notifyMe can be used for showing notification messages on a Web page, relaying important messages or just triggering a visual feedback for various interactions.Four different notification types are included, each with its own color, signifying various...

jQuery Responsive Tabs

jQuery Responsive Tabs 1.5.1 updated

The jQuery Responsive Tabs plugin comes with support for various features, allowing developers to automatically slide through the tab panels at page load, and incorporate external controls for controlling the visible tab panel. Support is also included...


Selectize 0.12.1 updated

Selectize can be used for creating drop-down auto-complete widgets that present input alternatives as the user types in his word.Selectize can be used to create keyword inputs, tag fields or just simple auto-complete forms just like on Facebook.Examples...

Gradient Picker provides a visual interface for creating CSS 3 gradients.Users can control the type of gradient, gradient direction, the gradient's colors and the amount of color points in each gradient.To help selecting colors, a color picker widget is...

Bootstrap Table

Bootstrap Table 1.8.1 updated

Bootstrap Table takes any type of tabular data and displays it as a rich HTML table, also known as a data grid.Developers can use the plugin to customize how their tables look, adding support for some of the following features:- column sorting- row...

jQuery.notify is a quick-fix solution if you need to show feedback on a Web page.It lets developers build simple ways of showing dynamic confirmations for various actions and page states, supporting by default these 5 notification types:-alert- success-...

jQuery DropDown will show a popover dropdown panel next to a desired page element, triggered when clicking the item.The dropdown panel produced by this action is a simple menu which can hold various controls.The developer is in full control over each of...

Paper Collapse was inspired by Google's famous Material Design presentation and is a nifty little tool for enhancing the way accordion panels are displayed on a page.Instead of expanding them every time an option is clicked, the Paper Collapse plugin...