
Faker 1.6.1 updated

Faker can be used whenever a text container or a database needs to be filled with filler content. This allows developers to preview how that UI component would look if it had content inside it, and how it would look with various types of content. While...


Feedify 1.0

Feedify will scan a page and look for simple give-aways in the text.Anything starting with an "@" character will be linked to a corresponding Twitter account, and anything with "#" will be linked to a corresponding Twitter hashtag search.URL addresses and...

Figlet JS

Figlet JS 1.0

Figlet JS works by taking a block of text, breaking it down to its component letters, and then recreating each of the text characters using ASCII characters and special fonts.All fonts are taken from the Figlet (www.figlet.org) service and are closely...


FitText 1.2

If the user resizes the browser, or accesses the website from a mobile device, the text automatically is resized to fit the width of its parent container. Its main usage is for responsive adaptive web templates.FitText works with CSS3 properties and...

FitText Extended is an improvement of the FitText jQuery plugin. It works practically like the original, resizing the size of a text so it will fit inside a parent container, filling it up as much as possible.Unlike the original, FitText Extended also...

FlipPhone.js works by showing the vanity number in its natural form.When the user hovers his mouse over the vanity number, the letters are flipped and the real numbers behind them are revealed.The plugin can be useful in helping non-technical users...

FlowType.JS can be used to implement responsive text on a website, without having to deal with all the text-related HTML tags separately.FlowType.JS provides a quick tool to use to make text resize with the available screen size.Features:Tweak font size...


fluidtext 1.0

fluidtext is for developers working on apps and websites that need to render the same on mobile and desktop environments from the same codebase.It takes an initial text and parent container size and starts adjusting its size from that, based on increases...

Font Detect works by using Flash to query the user's local environment and get a list of all fonts.These fonts are then listed alphabetically one under each other, using a sample text, letting the user preview them all on the same page.There's a special...