
kramdown 1.9.0 updated

The kramdown library works by reading the inputted code and outputting it to various formats like: - HTML - PDF - LaTeX - kramdown syntax The library uses its own Markdown superset known as kramdown syntax, but it can also support as input regular...


Highlight.js 9.1.0 updated

Highlight.js an be embedded into any web page. It automatically finds blocks of code, detects the used programming language on its own and applies highlighting theme to it. What is new in this release: ECMAScript 6 modules import now do not require...

There's an obvious problem with font rendering, not only for the Web, but for desktop applications as well.While desktop environments don't concern Web developers, browser font rendering does, which indirectly brings all the desktop-based problems into...


a-tools 1.5.2

The plugin works with "textarea" or with "input type=text"They also must be the first element in a list or set of elements.Tested with Opera 9.5 (Windows) and Opera 9.6 (Linux), Mozilla Firefox 3.0 (Windows and Linux), Internet Explorer 7, Chrome 2.0 and...


Faker 1.6.1 updated

Faker can be used whenever a text container or a database needs to be filled with filler content. This allows developers to preview how that UI component would look if it had content inside it, and how it would look with various types of content. While...


Bigfoot 2.1.3 updated

By default, footnotes are wrote down via a number and an explanation at the bottom of a page.That's how books have been doing, and Web designers copied this without thinking of the user experience.This changed recently, when Wikipedia changed the way it...


Ocrad.js 0.1.0

Ocrad.js uses the Emscripten LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler to port C technology to regular JavaScript, technology capable of recognizing text inside images.This technique is also known as OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, and is a common tool in most...


slabText 2.3.1

The slabText plugin was inspired by the FitText plugin and written to produce newspaper like headlines that work with responsive page layouts.Being responsive means it will always resize to fit the user's viewport in real-time, recalculating font sizes...


Remarkable 1.6.0

Remarkable can be used to add Markdown support for your text areas, allowing users to utilize this non-standard markup language to stylize their text in a much easier manner compared to the complex HTML syntax.This library reads Markdown text and embeds...