
StaGen 0.3.2

StaGen works by reading a JSON configuration file, taking content formatted and stored inside Markdown files, and compiling it into a classic HTML file using frontend layouts created via the StringTemplate 4 templating engine.StaGen works from the Java...


StaticMatic 0.11.1

It's a very useful tool when building static website, where a CMS implementation would seem to be over the top.More documentation on this app can be found here.Features:Replace over-featured, cumbersome Content Management Systems. Speed up your...


Stout 1.1.1 updated

Stout is not that different from any other static site generator, except instead of serving the compiled HTML website from the folder it's in, it uploads it to an Amazon S3 server instead.If your website targets anyone in general and not users in a...


SuSi 0.2.3 updated

SuSi needs two things to work. One is a Markdown file where the actual content is stored, and the second is a layout template which governs how the content is rendered on the page.If the two are provided, SuSi will fill the content inside the layout and...


Sweet 2.0.5

Sweet works just like any other static HTML compiler, but on top of Node.js and its specific technologies.It takes text stored in content files, reads a template, and merges both of them together into a nicely designed static HTML page.Sweet is like a...


Techy 1.2.3

Techy is for situations where a using a relative or NoSQL database is considered an overkill and does nothing more than complicate the website building process.Techy works by letting developers (and later webmasters and site editors) add their content...


Tinkerer 1.5

Created on top of Python's Sphinx engine, Tinkerer is an easy to use solution for Python developers that just got tired of those heavy loading CMS engines that everyone seems to love nowadays.Simple, easy to learn, and incredibly fast, Tinkerer uses the...


webgen 1.4.0 updated

webgen reads data from templates and content files providing the tools for generating dynamic content like menus, modules, links, etc. and saving them in a static structure like HTML.It's basically a classic static site generator, implemented to support...


Wintersmith 2.2.2 updated

Wintersmith was developed to provide yet another static site generator for the Node.js platform, but with a twist when compared to previous solutions. Wintersmith can be used for more than just running a simplistic blog, but for actually building complex...


wok 1.1.1

It will generate HTML files out of sample content, file attachments and templates, based on input parameters. wok was inspired and modeled from Jekyll, Hyde, and Static.To use, access the directory where the site files are located, and run wok.The site is...