
Intro.js 2.0 updated

Intro.js works by dimming the lights on a page, except only for desired sections. This way the selected area is in the user's main focus, and with the aid of a simple "next/prev" controller, the visitor can switch from step to step, just like in a...


Label.css 0.1.1

Just include Label.css with any of your projects, add the caption text as a data-label attribute to the page element you want it to show on, and add the positioning rules as classes to that element.The positioning rules are instructions on where to show...


Persian.js 0.3.0

Persian.js helps localize Arabic translations for the Persian language.The library supports many features specific only to the Persian language, that might need to be adapted from the more general Arabic language.Features:Converts Arabic characters to...


ProgressJs 0.1.0

ProgressJs can build progress indicators in various forms (lines, bars, panels, overlays, etc.), the limit being in the developer's imagination.These progress indicators can be used to mask the loading of an object, signaling his loading status and when...


WideArea 0.3.0

Inspired by GitHub's Zen editing mode, the WideArea library works the same, adding a small icon to the top-right corner of a textarea.When this icon is pressed, the extarea is expanded to fullscreen (actually full-page), and its content displayed in the...