ROSA Desktop Fresh GNOME

ROSA Desktop Fresh GNOME 2016.1 R9 updated

ROSA Desktop Fresh GNOME is a distribution of Linux, a special edition of the ROSA Desktop Fresh operating system that uses the modern GNOME desktop environment and a collection of free and open source applications. It is derived from the Mandriva Linux...

ROSA Desktop Fresh KDE

ROSA Desktop Fresh KDE 2016.1 R10 updated

ROSA Desktop Fresh KDE is also known as ROSA Desktop Fresh because it is the main edition of the ROSA Linux operating system, based on Mandriva Linux and built around the KDE Plasma desktop environment. Available for download as Live DVDs As expected,...

ROSA Desktop Fresh LXDE is an open source flavor of the ROSA Fresh Linux distribution built around the lightweight LXDE desktop environment and featuring a number of modifications designed to enhance the user-friendliness of the working environment. It is...

ROSA Desktop Fresh LXQt

ROSA Desktop Fresh LXQt 2016.1 R10 updated

ROSA Desktop Fresh LXDE is an open source flavor of the ROSA Fresh Linux distribution built around the lightweight LXDE desktop environment and featuring a number of modifications designed to enhance the user-friendliness of the working environment. It is...

ROSA Enterprise Desktop, also known as ROSA Desktop LTS is an open source operating system that has been designed from the ground up to provide you with a long term supported edition of the powerful ROSA Desktop Linux distribution. It was created with...